Hephaistos II
Dance Partner
This plot answers, "How much does the buff contribution to a DNC of a particular job tend to increase when that job becomes the dance partner?"
This is an interactive plot, you can click most items in the legend to make them visible/invisible, and use the toolbar to drag or zoom. Standard deviation zones can be toggled off using the checkbox above the plot.
This plot shows the average increase in contribution to DNC's buffs when a specific job is chosen as the DNC partner. This is essentially calculated via "the average contribution from players who do have partner, minus the average contribution of players who do not have partner (but do have a DNC in their party.)" We have attempted to exclude data that contains multiple DNC partners in a single pull.
Note that factors like esprit generation and MNK chakra gains are not represented here.
Shaded regions are an indication of the Standard Deviation.
These numbers are being plotted as a function of the contributing player's rDPS percentile, and dashed vertical lines represent the common percentile breakpoints.